The Cooperative Bank of Epirus and Natech Banking Solutions

A journey of digital transformation powered by robust Core Banking

Natech client since: 2003

Epirus, Greece

Established in 1978 and initially named Credit Cooperative Bank, the Cooperative Bank of Epirus is a regional bank based in Northwestern Greece. With nine branches across Epirus, it offers a variety of products and services, including digital banking solutions tailored for individual customers and SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises).

The Challenge

The Cooperative Bank of Epirus has consistently focused on keeping pace with the evolving practices and technologies in the banking sector, with a strong emphasis on offering customer-centric solutions.

By the early 2000s, the bank recognized the urgent need to modernize its systems to not only enhance customer service but also to keep pace with the competitive Greek banking industry. The bank sought a partnership with a reliable core banking technology provider who could also offer comprehensive guidance and support, crucial for their transformative journey.

The Solution

In 2003, the Cooperative Bank of Epirus started a strategic partnership with Natech Banking Solutions. The collaboration began with the implementation of Natech’s Core Banking System (CBS1), which laid a solid foundation for the bank’s digital advancement. As the partnership matured over the years, a key milestone was reached in 2021 with the transition to the more sophisticated CBS2 solution.

CBS2 is a unified platform that seamlessly integrates a wide array of essential banking services. It plays a crucial role in optimizing financial operations and enhancing digital services throughout the bank’s branches, significantly enhancing overall efficiency.

Key Results & Benefits

By utilizing Natech’s solutions, the Cooperative Bank of Epirus has successfully transformed and upgraded its banking operations.

Increased operational efficiency

CBS2 is a comprehensive 24/7 solution encompassing Customer 360, Deposits, Loans, Payments, Trade Finance, General Ledger, and AML – an integrated anti-money laundering system.

Enhanced customer experience

The digital upgrade enables the bank to offer personalized, high-quality digital services, thereby strengthening its market position.

Continuous system availability

The bank maintains up-to-date live systems operational 24/7, aiming to introduce new digital channels and optimize processes.

Improved security

Advanced security features in Natech’s solutions enhance the protection of both users and their transactions against potential threats.

In addition to the CBS2 system, the bank has also rolled out Natech’s web banking and mobile banking solutions, which offer secure, easy-to-use services with a wider range of transaction options. Catering to all users, the bank also offers a simplified mobile banking version, ideal for non-tech-savvy customers, which includes essential functions like Payments, Transfers, Transaction History, and Contacts, ensuring accessible digital banking for everyone.


Through our cooperation with Natech, we upgrade our digital systems and services and continuously improve the position of the Cooperative Bank of Epirus, proceeding to the faster implementation of our digital transformation. The upgrade of our Bank with modern systems strengthens its role in the local community, aiming to be a model company among the Cooperative Banks.

— Ioannis Vougioukas, CEO of the Cooperative Bank of Epirus

Looking Forward

As we look to the future, the enduring partnership between the Cooperative Bank of Epirus and Natech Banking Solutions is set to drive further innovation and excellence in banking services. Continuously evolving with Natech’s state-of-the-art solutions, the bank is poised to explore new frontiers in digital banking and customer engagement.